HEEDS MDO (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization) - пакет для оптимизации конструкции проектируемого изделия с помощью многодисциплинарного моделирования позволяющие с легкостью определить основные направления изменений, понять влияние заданных параметров и рассмотреть задачу со сценариями «что, если». HEEDS MDO может экспортировать-импортировать данные в большинство CAE приложение, таких как ABAQUS/CAE, ADAMS, ANSYS WB, LS-DYNA, MATLAB, NASTRAN, STAR-CCM+, SolidWorks Simulation, NX, а также в любые другие CAE использующие данные в ASCII формате.
HEEDS automates your design workflow, automatically sharing data between the different tools. You are free to focus on the design selection and not the virtual testing process. Aspects such as performance tradeoffs and design robustness are easily evaluated. HEEDS allows efficient utilization of all hardware resources such as local, remote, cluster and cloud computing. For example, run CAD changes on your local machine, structural analysis on a server and CFD runs in parallel on a cluster. It is common to use multiple analysis tools to test product performance. Quite often, it is a manual process to take information from one tool to the next. This makes evaluating design changes to improve performance very time consuming. Knowing what design aspects to change and by how much is also challenging. HEEDS provides an easy to use interface for automating workflows and utilizes SHERPA to intelligently explore possible designs to quickly identify the best solution to meet your performance needs. Most traditional design exploration tools require highly specialized optimization skills to correctly use them and require simplification of models and the changes to evaluation. HEEDS simplifies design exploration using your existing models no matter the complexity or number of parameters and constraints. Just specify the time you are willing to wait for an answer and SHERPA intelligently adjusts search strategies to find the best solution in the allotted time. Relying on just one optimum design is not the best solution. It is critical that aspects such as material property variation or manufacturing tolerances are accounted for when choosing the best design. HEEDS provides the tools to verify the sensitivity and robustness of your design and avoid failures before manufacture. CAE tools are incredibly valuable for verifying product performance before manufacture or for troubleshooting problems in the field. However, the largest benefit from simulation is through upfront design exploration . Find out why leading companies are using HEEDS to fully leverage their simulation investments to Discover Better Designs, Faster.