Автор: Williams
Дата: 30 июня 2018
Просмотров: 509 |
HiBase Group Advanced DBF Converter v5.61

DBF Converter is a versatile yet easy-to-use conversion program. It has a familiar Wizard-like interface but can also be used as a command-line utility for batch file processing. DBF Converter supports all the modern data interchange formats, such as XML, CSV, TXT, HTML, RTF, PRG and others. You can even convert your DBF table into a SQL script. The program builds a sample data record allowing you to build filtering rules. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 29 июня 2018
Просмотров: 2 765 |
Rarlab WinRAR v5.60 bra+chi+eng+fra+ger+rus+por x32+x64

Архиватор RAR является самой распространенной программой после операционной системы и браузера, ведь большинство программ и в Интернете, и у пользователей хранятся в сжатом виде в архивах.
WinRAR – мощная утилита для создания и управления архивами, содержащая целый спектр дополнительных полезных функций. Программа WinRAR ежедневно используется миллионами людей во всем мире для экономии места на ПК и быстрой передачи файлов.
WinRAR больше не поддерживает Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT.
What's new in the latest version:
Version 5.60
1. We updated WinRAR graphics.
We are grateful to http://weirdsgn.com and http://icondesignlab.com
designers participated in this endeavor and proud to announce that
WinRAR uses the new icon set prepared by Aditya Nugraha Putra
from http://weirdsgn.com.
Previous WinRAR icons are available as interface theme here:
2. "Repair" command efficiency is improved for recovery record protected
RAR5 archives. Now it can detect deletions and insertions of unlimited
size also as shuffled data including data taken from several recovery
record protected archives and merged into a single file in arbitrary
3. "Turn PC off when done" archiving option is changed to "When done"
drop down list, so you can turn off, hibernate or sleep your PC
after completing archiving.
4. Use -ioff or -ioff1 command line switch to turn PC off,
-ioff2 to hibernate and -ioff3 to sleep your PC after completing
an operation.
5. If encoding of comment file specified in -z<file> switch is not
defined with -sc switch, RAR attempts to detect UTF-8, UTF-16LE
and UTF-16BE encodings based on the byte order mask and data
validity tests.
6. WinRAR attempts to detect ANSI, OEM and UTF-8 encodings of
ZIP archive comments automatically.
7. "Internal viewer/Use DOS encoding" option in "Settings/Viewer"
is replaced with "Internal viewer/Autodetect encoding".
If "Autodetect encoding" is enabled, the internal viewer attempts
to detect ANSI (Windows), OEM (DOS), UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings.
8. Normally Windows Explorer context menu contains only extraction
commands if single archive has been right clicked. You can override
this by specifying one or more space separated masks in "Always display
archiving items for" option in Settings/Integration/Context menu items",
so archiving commands are always displayed for these file types
even if file was recognized as archive. If you wish both archiving
and extraction commands present for all archives, place "*" here.
9. SFX module "SetupCode" command accepts an optional integer parameter
allowing to control mapping of setup program and SFX own error codes.
It is also accessible as "Exit code adjustment" option
in "Advanced SFX options/Setup" dialog.
10. New "Show more information" WinRAR command line -im switch.
It can be used with "t" command to issue a message also in case of
successful archive test result. Without this switch "t" command
completes silently if no errors are found.
This switch is applicable only to WinRAR.exe and ignored by console
11. If a wrong password is entered when unpacking an encrypted file
in ZIP archive, WinRAR proposes to enter a valid password
for same file again instead of aborting extraction.
12. If a wrong password is entered when opening or unpacking RAR archive
with encrypted file names, WinRAR proposes to enter a valid password
again instead of aborting the operation. Previous versions already
did so for RAR archives with encrypted file data, but aborted
for archives with file name encryption.
13. WinRAR recognizes GZIP files with arbitrary data preceding
an actual GZIP archive, such as .scexe firmware files.
14. @filelist parameter can be specified in "Files to add" field of
archiving dialog. In this case WinRAR will attempt the list of archiving
files from 'filelist' file, which should be the plain text, one file
name per line.
15. Info dialog:
a) compression ratio graph is updated;
b) "Names and data" is displayed in "Encryption" field for
archives with encrypted file names.
16. Full archive name is displayed if mouse pointer is placed over
an archive name in the operation progress window. It can be useful
if archive name is lengthy and does not fit to available window space.
17. If -ts1 switch is used with -u or -f, file time comparison is performed
with 1 second precision. Previosuly in such case we could wrongly treat
an adding file as newer than archived just because we compared the high
precision adding file time against the low precision archived file time.
18. "Update" and "Fresh" commands ('u' and 'f' in the command line mode)
quit immediately if no files are to be updated. Previously they created
a temporary archive before quitting when updating archives with recovery
record or quick open information.
19. Prompt is issued after creating 500 volumes from WinRAR GUI shell,
so user can continue or quit further archiving. It is done to prevent
creating many thousands of volumes in case of wrongly entered
volume size.
20. WinRAR uses megabytes instead of bytes as default units for volume size
field in the archiving dialog.
21. "Repair" command issues "Recovery record is corrupt" message
after repairing RAR5 archive containing a broken recovery record.
Previously such message was issued only by "Test" command
and "Repair" handled most of recovery record damages silently.
22. Bugs fixed:
a) fixed potential security issues when processing corrupt
RAR archives;
b) non-English characters in TAR files with PAX extended headers
were not displayed correctly;
c) "rar x arcname.rar .." command unpacked files to current folder
instead of its parent;
d) pasting files from Windows Explorer to archive opened in WinRAR
blocked further copy and paste operations in Explorer until
archiving was finished;
e) SFX module issued "The specified password is incorrect" message
infinitely not prompting for correct password once a wrong password
was entered;
f) folders time was always set when extracting ZIP archives even if
"File time" options in the extraction dialog were turned off;
g) if "Delete archive: Always" was selected when extracting
and user pressed "Cancel" in the file overwrite or password prompt,
an archive could be deleted even after cancelling extraction
for .zip and .7z formats. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 28 июня 2018
Просмотров: 3 580 |
Schlumberger OLGA 2017.2 x64

Программный комплекс OLGA разработан для моделирования установившихся и переходных многофазных потоков в скважинах и трубопроводах. OLGA может работать с любым сочетанием многокомпонентных углеводородов и пластовой воды, а также с однофазным потоком. Точнее, программный комплекс OLGA используется для эффективного и точного моделирования, анализа и оптимизации значительного набора операций по транспортировке скважинной продукции и связанных с ней явлений, то есть применим для широкого ряда операций системы.
Successful production system design and operations requires a detailed understanding of multiphase flow behavior. Flow modeling and simulation provides valuable insights into flow behavior, including the physics describing flow through the entire production systems, from reservoir pore to process facility. The OLGA dynamic multiphase flow simulator models time-dependent behaviors, or transient flow, to maximize production potential. Transient modeling is an essential component for feasibility studies and field development design. Dynamic simulation is essential in deepwater and is used extensively in both offshore and onshore developments to investigate transient behavior in pipelines and wellbores. Transient simulation with the OLGA simulator provides an added dimension to steady-state analyses by predicting system dynamics such as time-varying changes in flow rates, fluid compositions, temperature, solids deposition and operational changes. From wellbore dynamics for any well completion to pipeline systems with all types of process equipment, the OLGA simulator provides an accurate prediction of key operational conditions involving transient flow. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 26 июня 2018
Просмотров: 844 |
HiBase Group Advanced CSV Converter v6.69

Advanced CSV Converter allows you convert CSV files to DBF, Excel spreadsheet (XLS, XLSX), TXT, SQL, XML, Fixed Text and RTF. Working with the program takes as little as opening a file or selecting a folder with CSV files, choosing conversion settings and clicking the "Convert" button. The, the application takes the given CSV file or files and automatically converts data fields from them to the specified format.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 25 июня 2018
Просмотров: 770 |
HiBase Group Advanced XLS Converter v6.15

Advanced XLS Converter provides a the quickest, easiest and affordable way to convert Excel (XLS, XLSX, XLSM) files to a great variety of database formats, including DBF, TXT, HTML, XML, CSV, SQL, RTF - all with a few clicks of the mouse! Excel Converter does not require Microsoft Excel!
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 24 июня 2018
Просмотров: 524 |
CheVolume v0.5.0.0

CheVolume is a useful and reliable piece of software whose main purpose resides in offering you the means of outputting various audio application through a specific set of speakers, headphones or other similar devices. CheVolume is a handy tool that you can rely on for managing the output location for all your sound-emitting software, be they games, media players or web browsers, so you can enjoy multiple activities simultaneously.
Features. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 23 июня 2018
Просмотров: 2 381 |
Applied Flow Technology Fathom v10.0.1103 build 2018.06.12

Applied Flow Technology Fathom - программно-аналитический комплекс моделирования потока в трубопроводе. Удобный графический интерфейс, встроенная библиотека оборудования, арматуры и флюидов, широкие аналитические возможности, схематическое изображение создаваемого объекта, все это реализовано в AFT Fathom и предоставляет инженеру проектировщику возможность системного подхода в реализации проектов любой сложности. AFT Fathom обладает большим спектром возможностей не являясь при этом компромиссом между функциональностью и сложностью в освоении и использовании.
- Advanced hydraulic solver
- Detailed modeling for centrifugal and positive displacement pumps
- Scenario Manager to track all design variants and operational possibilities in a single model file
- Pump vs. system curve generation including individual head curves and composite efficiency
- Thermal analysis including piping heat transfer and heat exchanger modelingSupports Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, including non-settling slurries
- Optional ChempakTM add-on utility provides a thermophysical database of almost 700 fluids
AFT Fathom add-on modules:
- Settling Slurry (SSL) - models the effects of pumping fluids containing settling solids using the Wilson/GIW method
- Extended Time Simulation (XTS) - models dynamic system behavior
- Goal Seek and Control (GSC) - identifies input parameters that yield desired output values and simulates control functions
- Automated Sizing (APS and ANS) - automate the process of sizing pipelines and piping networks based on required conditions, such as maximum pressure or minimum flow, to reduce cost or weight
New features. Video tutorials. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 22 июня 2018
Просмотров: 1 015 |
Chartwell Yorke Autograph v4.0.12

В настоящее время существуют веские основания полагать, что использование подходящего программного обеспечения при изучении математики как в средней, так и в высшей школе, не только обеспечивает большую эффективность учебного процесса, но и делает его более интересным для всех его участников. Программа АвтоГраф (Autograph), оперирующая взаимосвязанными математическими объектами, предоставляет прекрасную возможность для освоения основных положений теории вероятности и математической статистики, аналитической геометрии на плоскости и в пространстве. Программа была апробирована на базе Oundle School, Великобритания. АвтоГраф предполагает максимально эффективное использование технических средств обучения – проекторов, интерактивных электронных досок, различного вида компактных компьютеров и планшетов.
Autograph is a dynamic PC program operating in 4 modes:
- 1D - Statistics & Probability
- 2D - Graphing, coordinates, transformations and bivariate data
- 3D - Graphing, coordinates and transformations
- CN - Argand Diagram page for complex numbers
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 21 июня 2018
Просмотров: 1 173 |
Siemens HEEDS MDO 2018.04 build 6836

HEEDS MDO (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization) - пакет для оптимизации конструкции проектируемого изделия с помощью многодисциплинарного моделирования позволяющие с легкостью определить основные направления изменений, понять влияние заданных параметров и рассмотреть задачу со сценариями «что, если». HEEDS MDO может экспортировать-импортировать данные в большинство CAE приложение, таких как ABAQUS/CAE, ADAMS, ANSYS WB, LS-DYNA, MATLAB, NASTRAN, STAR-CCM+, SolidWorks Simulation, NX, а также в любые другие CAE использующие данные в ASCII формате.
HEEDS automates your design workflow, automatically sharing data between the different tools. You are free to focus on the design selection and not the virtual testing process. Aspects such as performance tradeoffs and design robustness are easily evaluated. HEEDS allows efficient utilization of all hardware resources such as local, remote, cluster and cloud computing. For example, run CAD changes on your local machine, structural analysis on a server and CFD runs in parallel on a cluster. It is common to use multiple analysis tools to test product performance. Quite often, it is a manual process to take information from one tool to the next. This makes evaluating design changes to improve performance very time consuming. Knowing what design aspects to change and by how much is also challenging. HEEDS provides an easy to use interface for automating workflows and utilizes SHERPA to intelligently explore possible designs to quickly identify the best solution to meet your performance needs. Most traditional design exploration tools require highly specialized optimization skills to correctly use them and require simplification of models and the changes to evaluation. HEEDS simplifies design exploration using your existing models no matter the complexity or number of parameters and constraints. Just specify the time you are willing to wait for an answer and SHERPA intelligently adjusts search strategies to find the best solution in the allotted time. Relying on just one optimum design is not the best solution. It is critical that aspects such as material property variation or manufacturing tolerances are accounted for when choosing the best design. HEEDS provides the tools to verify the sensitivity and robustness of your design and avoid failures before manufacture. CAE tools are incredibly valuable for verifying product performance before manufacture or for troubleshooting problems in the field. However, the largest benefit from simulation is through upfront design exploration . Find out why leading companies are using HEEDS to fully leverage their simulation investments to Discover Better Designs, Faster. |
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