TopEvent FTA 2017 is interactive software for Qualitative and Quantitative Fault Tree Analysis. It supports both coherent and non-coherent fault trees. TopEvent FTA 2017 incorporates two Fault Tree evaluation methods: The Classical Minimal Cut Sets Method (Classical MCSs Method) and the Binary Decision Diagram Method (BDD Method).
A fault tree is a graphical diagram that uses logic gates to model the various combinations of failures, faults, errors and normal events involved in causing a specified undesired event to occur. The fault tree analysis method is mainly used in the fields of safety engineering and reliability engineering to understand how systems can fail, to identify the best ways to reduce risk or to determine event rates of a safety accident. Fault tree analysis is used in the aerospace, nuclear power, chemical and process, pharmaceutical, petrochemical and other high-hazard industries. The fault tree model can be translated into a mathematical model in order to compute failure probabilities and system importance measures. A fault tree can model all aspects of a system, including hardware, software, human actions and the environment.
Benefits of Fault Trees Analysis
- The fault tree explicitly shows all the different relationships that are necessary to result in the top event.
- In constructing the fault tree, a thorough understanding is obtained of the logic and basic causes leading to the top event.
- The fault tree is a tangible record of the systematic analysis of the logic and basic causes leading to the top event.
- The fault tree provides a framework for thorough qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the top event.
You can easily create complex Fault Trees with the TopEvent FTA 2017 Fault Tree Editor. The Fault Tree Editor includes two Views: the standard Fault Tree Diagram View and the Tree List View. These Views provide a full overview of the Fault Tree. TopEvent FTA allows you to create both coherent and non-coherent fault trees.
The gates and events supported by TopEvent FTA are: AND, OR, Voting, Inhibit, Exclusive OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, Transfer, Basic Event, House Event, Undeveloped Event, Conditioning Event.
With TopEvent FTA 2017, you can quickly evaluate complex Fault Trees with millions of Minimal Cut Sets. The Qualitative Fault Tree Evaluation can be obtained via the Classical Minimal Cut Sets Method (Classical MCSs Method) or the Binary Decision Diagram Method (BDD Method). TopEvent FTA 2017 supports cut-off thresholds based on the maximum order of the Minimal Cut Sets (Order cut-off) and the minimum probability of the Minimal Cut Sets (Probability cut-off).
TopEvent FTA 2017 can calculate the exact values of the Unavailability and Importance Factors. The Quantitative Fault Tree Evaluation can be obtained via the Classical Minimal Cut Sets Method or the Binary Decision Diagram Method. The BDD Method provides the exact values of the Unavailability and Importance Factors, and the Classical Method provides a rare event approximation of the probabilities.
TopEvent FTA 2017 provides methods for calculating:
- Minimal Cut Sets
- Unavailability
- Availability
- Reliability
- Unreliability
- Unconditional Failure Intensity
- Conditional Failure Intensity
- Expected Number of Failures
- Total Down Time
- Average Unavailability
- Average Unconditional Failure Intensity
- Average Conditional Failure Intensity
- Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD)
- Average Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD Avg)
- Probability of Failure per Hour (PFH)
- Average Probability of Failure per Hour (PFH Avg)
- Marginal Importance Factor (Birnbaum Importance)
- Critical Importance Factor (Fussell-Vesely Importance)
- Risk Achievement Worth
- Risk Reduction Worth
- Diagnostic Importance Factor