Автор: Williams
Дата: 15 января 2018
Просмотров: 1 228
ESI AquiferWin32 v5.03
Aquifer test analysis is an integral part of groundwater modeling, supplying critical hydraulic parameters to the model or other basic groundwater calculations. Aquiferwin32 is a sophisticated Windows program that supports the analysis of aquifer tests, slug tests, and step tests. Multiple observation wells can be analyzed individually or as a group. AquiferWin32 also evaluates test data using the derivative method and can be used to simulate aquifer tests.
Key Features:
Data Spreadsheet in Split Window
Site Map and Wells Displayed in Plan View
Generates Multi-Curve Type Curve Plots
Dockable Toolbars with Tool TipsTab Views Including Spreadsheet, Type Curve, and Map Views
Customizable Views - Text and Parameter Annotations, Legends, Symbols, Lines and Frames