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ProtaStructure Suite Enterprise 2018 Software
ProtaStructure Suite Enterprise 2018

ProtaStructure Suite Enterprise 2018

ProtaStructure Suite is the most comprehensive solution for multi-material analysis, design and automated detail drawings of structures. ProtaStructure Suite combines the power of ProtaStructure together with the full detailing capability of ProtaDetails for the ultimate building design and detailing solution for structural engineering professionals. See below for information on which system is best for your business. ProtaStructure Professional Suite is the all-in-one package for multi-material modelling with steel, concrete and composite members, 3-D finite element analysis, code-compliant design and detailing of building structures. ProtaStructure Enterprise Suite extends professional edition with advanced time-history, staged construction and nonlinear analyses, seismic isolators, nonlinear link elements and  seismic assessment/retrofitting.

ProtaStructure 2018 includes new module - ProtaSteel - for steel connection design and detailing. Hundreds of new features and enhancements in ProtaStructure and ProtaDetails for rapidly designing and documenting your building projects, and our dynamic new ProtaBIM 2018 for coordination with other leading BIM systems.

More infoCompare editionsVideo lessons. Whats new in 2018 version.
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Danfoss Hexact v4.1.10 Software
Danfoss Hexact v4.1.10

Danfoss Hexact v4.1.10

Hexact – надежная и экономящая время программа подбора теплообменников для систем охлаждения, кондиционирования и районных систем коммунального хозяйства. Вам необходимо выполнить расчет параметров пластинчатого теплообменника? Теперь это стало еще проще! Независимо от того, касается это чиллера, теплонасосной установки или бытовой системы горячего водоснабжения, новая программа Hexact четвертого поколения обеспечит подбор необходимого теплообменника, причем обязательно из ассортимента новейшего имеющегося оборудования, а функциональные возможности программы всегда будут у Вас под рукой.

Hexact - Heat Exchanger Design Software. Do you have a need for calculating plate heat exchangers? It has never been easier! No matter if you have a chiller, a heat pump or a domestic hot water application, the new Hexact 3rd generation heat exchanger design software will allow the right heat exchanger selection by always ensuring you get the latest product range and software features at hand.
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RockWare AqQA v1.5.0 Software
RockWare AqQA v1.5.0

RockWare AqQA v1.5.0

ПО от компании RockWare включает в себя модули по точечному картографированию, построению изолиний, поверхностей (в т.ч. объемных), моделированию вертикальных разрезов скважин, построения стратиграфических шкал, графиков, диаграмм, статистическому и гидрохимическому анализу, преобразованию проекций, трехмерному представлению данных. RockWare AqQA - как раз программа для работ по гидрохимическому анализу.

AqQA is software for water analyses: unit conversion, ion balance, sample mixing, basic fluid properties calculations, water chemistry diagrams (Piper, Stiff), and more. Imagine you could keep the results of your chemical analyses in a spreadsheet developed especially for the purpose. A spreadsheet that knows how to convert units, check your analyses for internal consistency, graph your data in the ways you want it graphed, and so on.
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Tekla Reinforced Concrete Extensions 2017 Software
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Intergraph CAESAR II 2018 v10.00.00.7700 build 170726 Software
Intergraph CAESAR II 2018 v10.00.00.7700 build 170726 repack

Intergraph CAESAR II 2018 v10.00.00.7700 build 170726

Intergraph CAESAR II определяет напряженно-деформированное состояние трубопроводов и поведение конструкций по международным нормам и стандартам. Являясь эталоном для сравнения, программа стала мировым стандартом прочностного анализа трубопроводных систем.

Ensuring your plant’s piping systems adhere to international codes and standards plays an integral role in keeping your plant operational. Intergraph CAESAR II software makes it easy to input and display all the data needed to accurately define a piping system analysis model. It evaluates the structural responses and stresses of your piping systems to international codes and standards, and enables you to access and modify, if necessary, input element by element or globally. As pipe flexibility and stress analysis software, CAESAR II makes quick work of developing analysis models while clearly indicating areas of concern via color-coded stress models and animated displacements for any stress load case. Included are tools and wizards to help you create expansion loops or view plant models, removing the guesswork from producing accurate analysis and recommending practical design changes.
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Survey CAD System pfCAD Discav v13.0.72 Software
Survey CAD System pfCAD Discav v13.0.72

Survey CAD System pfCAD Discav v13.0.72

Discav è lo strumento indispensabile per la progettazione di cave e discariche e per i controlli periodici di movimentazione, la stesura di piani di coltivazione, per la gestione di contabilità e stati di avanzamento dei lavori.

  • Inputi da dati topografici e calcolo dei volumi per sezioni e per prismoidi secondo vari metodi
  • Rappresentazione a triangoli, a griglia, a curve di livello in 2D e 3D
  • Gestione avanzata del disegno e del calcolo delle sezioni
  • Gestione dei punti quotati e del Modello Digitale del Terreno in un unico archivio all'interno del quale si possono inserire più rilievi topografici
  • Computo del movimento terra per spianamenti, vasche artificiali, cave, laghetti, ecc.
  • Solutore per poligonali, celerimetrico, planoaltimetrico
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Survey CAD System pfCAD agriCAD v3.0.33 Software
Survey CAD System pfCAD agriCAD v3.0.33

Survey CAD System pfCAD agriCAD v3.0.33

Agricad PC offre strumenti per lavori di mappatura e progettazione in Agricoltura. E' sviluppato in ambiente CAD e le funzioni principali sono:

  • Gestione della mappatura
  • Verifica e controllo dei confini
  • Visualizzazione e stampa delle lavorazioni eseguite con Supertrack
  • Progettazione Vigneti e Frutteti
  • Progettazione irrigazione a Pivot
  • Gestione delle lavorazioni di spandimento liquami
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Survey CAD System pfCAD Catasto v21.0.150 Software
Survey CAD System pfCAD Catasto v21.0.150

Survey CAD System pfCAD Catasto v21.0.150


  • Input da tutti gli Strumenti Topografici, da file ASCII, da PREGEO, da file DXF
  • Solutore per poligonali, celerimetrico, planoaltimetrico
  • Artifici per calcolo di nuovi punti e Divisione di Aree
  • Gestione avanzata del DATABASE CENSUARIO
  • Calibrazione e compensazione di mappe lette da scanner o digitalizzate compresa l'unione di più mappe raster e sovrapposizione al rilievo topografico
  • Gestione avanzata e disegno della Maglia dei PF
  • Procedure automatizzate per Riconfinamenti con il sistema della rototraslazione baricentrica
  • Ampia libreria di Problemi Topografici: Fuori Centro, Snellius, Hansen, Intersezioni, triangoli
  • File DXF e collegamento bidirezionale ad AutoCAD
  • Disegno Piano Quotato con curve di livello, sezioni e profili
  • Rilievo e restituzione in automatico di facciate di fabbricato
  • Generazione dell'estratto di mappa Autoallestito in modalità PREGEO e modalità CAD
  • Compatibilità con PREGEO10
  • Collegamento con GOOGLE MAPS con possibilità di visualizzare il libretto di rilievi GPS sulla mappa
  • Aggiornamento continuo dell'importazione di file da strumenti GPS di diversi marchi e modelli
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Audel Pumps & Hydraulics, 6th Edition Bookware
Rex Miller, Mark Richard Miller, Harry Stewart - Audel Pumps & Hydraulics, 6th Edition

Wiley, 2004
pdf, 577 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-7645-7116-9

Audel Pumps & Hydraulics, 6th Edition

Pumps and hydraulic equipment are now used in more facets of industry than ever before. Whether you are a pump operator or you encounter pumps and hydraulic systems through your work in another skilled trade, a basic knowledge of the practical features, principles, installation, and maintenance of such systems is essential. You'll find it all here, fully updated with real-world examples and 21st-century applications.

  • Learn to install and service pumps for nearly any application.
  • Understand the fundamentals and operating principles of pump controls and hydraulics.
  • Service and maintain individual pumping devices that use smaller motors.
  • See how pumps are used in robotics, taking advantage of hydraulics to lift larger, heavier loads.
  • Handle new types of housings and work with the latest electronic controls.
  • Know the appropriate servicing schedule for different types of pumping equipment.
  • Install and troubleshoot special-service pumps.
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Capturing Reality RealityCapture v1.0.2.3009 RC Software
Capturing Reality RealityCapture v1.0.2.3009 RC

Capturing Reality RealityCapture v1.0.2.3009 RC

RealityCapture is a state-of-the-art all-in-one photogrammetry software solution which automatically extracts beautiful and accurate 3D models from a set of ordinary images and / or laser-scans. RealityCapture is a fully-featured application with a rich easy-to-use UI, extremely fast state-of-the-art core and with a set of unique features which pushes the envelope of what can be done with the photogrammetric methods. Truly amazing speed, quality and accuracy with low demand on computer hardware. Registering images, calculating a mesh, texture, parallel projections, DSM, geo-referencing and coordinate system conversion - that is just a fraction of what you get with RC. Unlimited number of images, unlimited scene sizes, unlimited level of detail. Our algorithms automatically split the problem into smaller parts which fit your hardware the best.

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