Автор: Williams Дата: 24 июля 2017
Просмотров: 1 855
Dlubal COMPOSITE-BEAM v8.09.01.130638
The COMPOSITE-BEAM program performs design of composite beams according to ENV 1994‑1‑1:1992‑10
Single-span and continuous beams with definable boundary conditions.
Automatic determination of effective cross-sections.Free arrangement of construction supports for construction stage.
Free definition of concentrated, linear and linearly variable loads as fixed and variable loads with specification of concrete age on loading.Freely definable construction loads as well as moving construction loads.
Automatic load combination.Calculation of cross-section properties according to Method 1 or 2.
Calculation of elastic internal forces with RSTAB.
Redistribution of moments.Design of bending and shear force resistance with interaction.
Determination of required shear connectors and their distribution.
Design of longitudinal shear force resistance.Results of governing support reactions for construction and composite stage including loads of construction supports.