Автор: Williams
Дата: 30 ноября 2016
Просмотров: 850 |
Intetech Electronic Corrosion Engineer v5.3.0

Intetech Electronic Corrosion Engineer is a tool for the quantitative estimation of corrosion rates and the selection of materials for gas and oil production systems and processing facilities. The software is available as a stand-alone PC version for single users, or a server-based system for multiple users. Significant improvements range from technical modelling developments, new functionality, updated information on materials, wider choice of graphs and improved reporting and printing capabilities. The software is in a new-look format which is compatible with latest operating systems.
Intetech Electronic Corrosion Engineer tools:
- Corrosion rate predictionfor carbon steel in sweet or sour conditions that consider different options for corrosion control.
- Risk prediction tools that evaluate the risk of carbon steel failure.
- Corrosion-resistant alloy (CRA) evaluators that select the most suitable CRA for specified environmental conditions, and automatically take into account the risks of corrosion, pitting and stress-corrosion cracking.
- Life-cycle cost calculators that evaluate the economics of carbon steel and CRA options on the basis of Net Present value so that material cost comparisons can be provided.
- A database of alloy tubing and pipe manufacturers.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 27 ноября 2016
Просмотров: 1 755 |
CADware Engineering 3D Space TransLT v3.1.0.6

TransLT is designed to calculate the transformation parameters and the transformation of coordinates between two coordinates systems is a fast and practical way. The software is aimed at specialists who use GPS technology to perform geodetic works.
TransLT is an application which offers the following three major functionalities:
- The calculation of transformation parameters between two coordinates systems;
- The transformation of coordinates between two coordinates systems;
- Drawing of polygons, paths or points in Google Earth.
To make it easy to operate with the multitude of existing reference coordinates systems, TransLT contains a module that extracts information from EPSG database.
The program interface is intuitive, easy to use, the data can be imported from txt or csv files, and it allows saving the modification for each step of the transformation. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 23 ноября 2016
Просмотров: 972 |
Softbits Flaresim v5.0.3.1198

Softbits is one of the leading specialist companies worldwide in the field of flare simulation. Based in Hampshire in the south of the UK, we develop and maintain Flaresim – the sophisticated, state-of-the-art, industry-standard flare design application for the oil, gas, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and refining industries.
Flaresim is our highly developed and sophisticated flare simulation/design application. Designed by professional engineers, for professional engineers, it models thermal radiation and noise footprints generated by flare systems for offshore platforms, gas plants, refineries and chemical plants, and predicts the temperature of exposed surfaces within range. The application can analyse installations of any complexity, with unlimited multiple flare tips on multiple vertical, horizontal or inclined flare stacks. Users can model pipe flares, sonic flares and liquid burners using a range of algorithms. They can also enter and report data in units of their choice, and can convert data to other units at any time.
Flaresim provides full 3D flame-shape analysis with complete flexibility in the location and orientation of multiple stacks, and rapid evaluation of flare systems under different wind speeds and directions. Shield options can be included. Working from the opposite perspective, Flaresim allows you to size stack or boom length to meet specific radiation, noise or surface-temperature limits at defined receptor points. Flaresim includes gas dispersion models for both jet dispersion of flammable gases close to the stack and Gaussian dispersion of pollutants at longer distances. The output from Flaresim is highly customisable, and you can select either summary or detailed output. Flaresim has a user-friendly interface and incorporates context-sensitive help at every stage for user guidance. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 21 ноября 2016
Просмотров: 619 |
ControlSoft INTUNE v6.0.5.3

ControlSoft strives to provide the most advanced leading technologies in process control solutions, performance monitoring and process diagnostic tools. We are committed to providing first class technical support, which has been recognized by thousands of end-users. Our superior technologies and solutions have been valued and embedded in many other control systems since 1985.
INTUNE is a plant management and process control predictive maintenance tool that combines process control monitoring with powerful diagnostic and PID loop tuning/optimization tools to improve your plant performance: energy reduction, increased productivity, consistent product quality, plant engineering productivity, and continuous improvement.
More info. |
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