RightEdge is a trading system development platform based on modern, compiled languages. Use RightEdge to design, develop and backtest trading systems. RightEdge can be used to execute fully automated trading systems. Our platform is equipped with a cutting edge integrated development environment (IDE) that includes advanced charting features, a full library of technical indicators, data management, and a pluggable architecture that allows for a high level of scalability and customization. Build trading systems for stocks, futures, options and forex.
RightEdge supports multiple time frames so that it is valuable to both day traders as well as swing traders. With powerful charting, technical indicators and array of objects such as Fibonacci lines, support and resistance and more, RightEdge will also appeal to those who perform demanding technical analysis.
RightEdge caters to trading system developers that demand high performance systems utilizing industrial strength data storage for high frequency data. Once a trading system is developed, RightEdge can backtest trading systems, make optimization recommendations, and ultimately interface with supported brokers to execute automated trading systems live. Trading systems are executed in a truly event driven fashion allowing for the same code to be run in a backtest (simulation) or live scenario.