Автор: Williams
Дата: 11 сентября 2015
Просмотров: 10 618 |
GeoStru Products 2016 MegaPack
Downhole 2016.15.3, Easy HVSR 2016.23.4, Easy MASW 2016.26.5, Easy Refract 2016.20.4, GDW 2016.21.1,
GeoRock 2D 2016.12.1, GeoRock 3D 2016.16.0, GFAS 2016.11.0.286, GMS 2016.7.1, Liquiter 2016.18.4,
Loadcap 2016.24.4, MDC 2016.25.7, MP 2016.16.2, RockLab 2016.8.4, RockPlane 2016.9.2,
Slope 2016.25.6, SPW 2016.31.3, Stratigrapher 2016.21.0

The downhole seismic method (DH) measures the time taken for the P and S waves to move between a seismic source located on the surface of the ground, and the receivers, placed inside a borehole. Once entered the information for the project, the depth reached and the travel times, we can get: The distances from source to receiver; Corrected travel times; Speeds of P and S waves; Some important geotechnical parameters; The travel time graph with seismic layers from which can be determined the average velocity in each layer, some average geotechnical parameters and VS30; The graph of P and S waves interval velocity and definition of seismic layer; Graphics relating to geotechnical parameters, derived for each interval; The stratigraphy of the borehole; The final report.
Easy HVSR allows the analysis of the spectral ratio of microtremors recorded with a single-station. The simplicity of use and speed of execution of the calculations allow the user to get immediate results in the estimation of: resonance frequency, stratigraphic profile and equivalent shear wave velocity Vs30, all according to the guidelines suggested by the SESAME project.
Easy MASW is a new software for the interpretation and archiving of seismic data using the MASW method (Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves). It is a very easy-to-use application that, with simple steps, performs the analysis of the shear waves velocities. The software allows the inversion using more modes. During the spectral processing phase the user can view the dispersion of a customizable synthetic model and the results are plotted directly on the velocity-frequency spectrum. The generation of the velocity-frequency spectrum has been improved to allow a more effective identification of modes. The user can select the points on which the inversion is performed directly on the velocity-frequency spectrum and assign to each point the mode to which it refers.
Easy Refract
Easy Refract is the new software from GeoStru dedicated to the interpretation of seismic refraction surveys using the reciprocal method and the generalized reciprocal method (G.R.M.) The definition of the array geometry is extremely flexible and does not impose constraints on the number of shots to be used in the analysis.
GDW analyzes walls in gabions, simple concrete weirs and GABIONS weirs in static ad seismic conditions. GDW has advanced graphics features including the three-dimensional view through which you can examine in detail the inputs made. Safety checks are carried out for load combinations defined by the user in accordance with the directives imposed by new regulations.
GeoRock 2D
GeoRock 2D is a software made by GeoStru for the 2D simulation of rockfalls using Lumped Mass and C.R.S.P. models. For the Lumped Mass model, the computation assumptions are: plan outline, the slope profile similar to a broken line consisting of straight line segments; point boulder and neglectable air resistance.
GeoRock 3D
GeoRock 3D is a program for three dimensional analysis of rock fall and for the design and optimization of protective works using a sophisticated algorithm for spatial analysis. The slope in question is generated from an xyz mesh that may be imported from variuos formats or suitable external software. The triangulation technique is extremely important and it is recommended that Incremental Delaunay or anisotropic triangulation is used.
G.F.A.S. (Geotechnical and F.E.M. analysis System) is a recent product of GeoStru Corporation for mechanical analysis of soil using finite elements methods. This is a complete solution that integrates all functions required for the analysis of geotechnical problem areas such as: Tunnels; Slope Stability; Excavations; Embankment settlements; Foundation Settlements; Interaction between structures and soils.
The software GMS (GeoMechanical Survey) has the aim to represent and process the geo-structural survey of rock masses joints performed in-situ with the method of the compass and clinometer, according to the ISRM recommendations. The joints in a rock mass condition, in a more or less evident way, the mechanical behavior of the rock and of the geotechnical model at the basis of any calculation. It is important, in order to correctly evaluate the stability condition, to have a precise description of the rock structure and joints, both in qualitative and quantitative terms.
Liquiter software is designed for soil liquefaction analysis and supports a wide variety of field tests. The results of the analysis are presented as: Safety Factor Soil Liquefaction / Probability of Soil Liquefaction; Cyclic mobility of clay; Liquefaction of sand and clay; CSR, variable CSR with depth from SHAKE results; Reconsolidation Settlement, Lateral Spreading; Residual Strength.
Software for the computation of bearing capacity on loose or rocky soils, according Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Hansen, Vesic, Brinch-Hansen, Richards et. Al and computation of bearing capacity factors. Settlements: Elastic (Timoshenko and Goodier), Oedometric, Schmertmann, Burland & Burbidge, liquefaction usig the method of Seed and Idriss (1971) The settlements can be calculated at any point either inside or outside the foundation.
MDC is a software product for the design and analysis of reinforced concrete retaining walls either resting on their own foundation or on piles, optionally supported by tiebacks. The geotechnical computation employs the standard geotechnical methods subject to user choice and carries out the verifications prescribed by standard selected, amongst which global stability even in seismic conditions. Structural evaluations perform reinforcements sizing and verification with Ultimate Limit State or Allowable Tensions.
Pile and micropile software is intended for calculation of the bearing capacity of the foundation terrain of a pile or micropile bearing loads in whatever distribution (moment, normal force, shear). Structural calculation yielding dimensions of longitudinal steel struts, interval and size of rings is also performed. The worksheet, upon which is shown the plan of piles or micropiles inserted in the foundation terrain, may be dimensioned as required.
Software for the determination of the failure criterion of a rock mass according to the model of Hoek-Brown (2002). The software also calculates the strength parameters of the rock mass, allows for the calculation of the bearing capacity of foundations on rock according to the methods of Carter - Kulhawy, Serrano - Olalla - Gonzales.
RockPlane is a software tool for the evaluation of localized instability rock elements affected by seismic movements and/or by presence of water pressures within intersurface fractures. The software provides slide and overturning risk safety factors that enable verification of the stability of the block and as required the design of stabilization works using active or passive anchors and nails. Verification is performed on the basis of Limit Equilibrium Method with Mohr-Coulomb or Barton-Bandis failure criteria. On the block are taken into consideration: weight, hydrostatic thrust in tension cracks and seismic force.
This program carries out the analysis of soil or rock slope stability both in static and seismic states utilizing the limit equilibrium methods of Fellenius, Bishop, Janbu, Bell, Sarma, Spencer, Morgenstern & Price and Discrete elements method (DEM) for circular and non circular surfaces by which it is possible to ascertain slippages in the slope, examine a gradual failure, and employ various models of force-deformation relationship. Reinforcements with piles, gravity and/or reinforced concrete bracing walls, nettings, geofabrics, anchors, and terracing may be specified. Distributed and point loads may be defined.
Sheet walls are relatively thin, vertical structures, embedded in terrain to a depth sufficient to support an uphill embankment/downhill excavation thrust, including water and surcharges. This type of structure can be constructed of driven prefabricated steel pile sections, adjacent, bored cylindrical piles, and reinforced concrete sheet elements usually produced on site.
The new version of Stratigrapher enables the construction of stratigraphic columns for geological or geotechnical use having models for Wells, SPT, CPT, MASW and Liquefaction. The availability of multiple page layout allows a detailed representation of surveys at great depths. |
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