PERFORM is the industry standard in well performance analysis, providing cost-effective new well optimization and transforming inefficient wells into peak performers. PERFORM is trusted by engineers worldwide with English, Russian and Spanish interfaces. Benefits:
Evaluate production performance (onshore and offshore).
Design and optimize completions.
Predict future well performance.
Model wells with artificial lifts (Gaslift and ESP).
Автор: Williams Дата: 10 мая 2014
Просмотров: 3 807
IHS SubPUMP v9.6
The world's only neutral and unbiased tool for Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) design and analysis. SubPUMP has the largest ESP equipment database with 3,100+ catalog items and is trusted by leading oil companies for its calculation reliability, flexible unit systems and ease of use. A component of the Performance Optimization suite, SubPUMP is the first choice for vendor neutral ESP design and analysis. Production engineers, facilities engineers, reservoir engineers, completions engineers, asset management teams, artificial lift project management teams can use SubPUMP.
What SubPUMP Can Do:
Design ESP systems.
Analyze performance of existing pumps.
Design tapered pump configurations.
Simulate gassy wells with an ESP.
Handle multiple unit system options.
Optimize ESP performance.
Easily handle vertical, deviated and horizontal wells.
Drive well system operations optimization.
Easy-to-use graphical interface and multiple reporting options improve user efficiency.
Three calculation modes allow greater flexibility.
Comprehensive, unbiased, vendor-neutral catalogue of ESP vendors ensures best value.
Russian, Spanish, English language options enable global implementation.
Timely diagnosis of ESP issues helps enhance run life and maximize asset performance.
Maxsurf provides naval architects with software tools for all phases of the vessel design and analysis process. By using a common 3D surface model, design files can be optimized to accurately flow through concept, initial, and detailed design stages. With Maxsurf, users can confidently model hull forms; assess stability and strength; predict performance; and carry out initial structural definition and analysis.
All Maxsurf modules share a consistent graphical interface - which reduces training time, increases ease of use, and allows designers to visualize complex configurations. Maxsurf is based on industry standards, including trimmed NURB surface modeling, DXF, and IGES data exchange. It also exhibits powerful interoperability, easily transferring data with Bentley’s MicroStation, as well as Rhino, AutoCAD, ShipConstructor, SolidWorks, and Microsoft Office programs.
Автор: Williams Дата: 7 мая 2014
Просмотров: 5 476
DHI MIKE GIS 2012 SP3 including ESRI ArcGIS v10.1 SP1
For decades MIKE by DHI has set standards for what is possible in water modelling – and now we are doing it again! Release 2012 is here and its numerous new features provide many new possibilities that will facilitate your work even more.
The demands for highly advanced and innovative modelling tools are continuously increasing and DHI strives to be on the forefront of these future demands and deliver products and services that match your specific modelling needs. Now, with Release 2012, software modelling has become even more efficient including improved usability and flexibility. With the improvements of Release 2012 it is once again emphasised why MIKE by DHI is the ideal and preferred software package for your business within water environments.
MIKE by DHI covers the entire water environments cycle in a highly integrated manner and with more features than ever before. Whether you are working within marine, ports and coasts, water resource management, rivers, flooding, urban, groundwater or wastewater, MIKE by DHI 2012 is tailored for your modelling needs. With a new release approximately every year, our software is exposed to real-world testing and continuous quality enhancements by experts.
MIKE GIS is a pre- and post-processing module for MIKE 11. As an extension to ESRI ArcMAP v10.1 version and requires that ArcGIS is pre-installed. It assist setting up network, cross sectional and boundary files for MIKE 11 models, and can be used to present time series results and flood maps from MIKE 11 simulations. It also includes non point and point pollutant load estimation tools for MIKE 11 WQ simulations. A comprehensive time series data management capability is included.
Автор: Williams Дата: 6 мая 2014
Просмотров: 5 259
DHI MIKE Zero 2012 SP3 x86+x64
For decades MIKE by DHI has set standards for what is possible in water modelling – and now we are doing it again! Release 2012 is here and its numerous new features provide many new possibilities that will facilitate your work even more.
The demands for highly advanced and innovative modelling tools are continuously increasing and DHI strives to be on the forefront of these future demands and deliver products and services that match your specific modelling needs. Now, with Release 2012, software modelling has become even more efficient including improved usability and flexibility. With the improvements of Release 2012 it is once again emphasised why MIKE by DHI is the ideal and preferred software package for your business within water environments.
MIKE by DHI covers the entire water environments cycle in a highly integrated manner and with more features than ever before. Whether you are working within marine, ports and coasts, water resource management, rivers, flooding, urban, groundwater or wastewater, MIKE by DHI 2012 is tailored for your modelling needs. With a new release approximately every year, our software is exposed to real-world testing and continuous quality enhancements by experts.
MIKE Zero is the common name of DHI's fully Windows integrated graphical user interface for setting up simulations, pre- and post-processing analysis, presentation and visualisation within a project oriented environment. Presently, the MIKE Zero framework gives access to the following DHI modelling systems:
MIKE HYDRO - A physical and conceptual model system for catchments, rivers and floodplains.
MIKE 11 - a 1D modelling system for rivers and channels.
MIKE 21 - a 2D modelling system for estuaries, coastal water and seas.
MIKE 3 - a 3D modelling system for deep seas, estuaries and coastal waters.
MIKE 21/3 - Integrated Models (including the MIKE 21/3 Coupled Model FM, which allows full dynamic coupling between wave, flow and sediment transport models).
MIKE FLOOD - a 1D-2D modelling system for inland flood and urban flood studies.
LITPACK - a modelling system for littoral processes and coastline kinetics.
MIKE SHE - a modelling system for coupled groundwater and surface water resources.
Автор: Williams Дата: 5 мая 2014
Просмотров: 4 060
DHI MIKE URBAN 2012 SP3 x86+x64 including ESRI ArcGIS v10.1 SP1
For decades MIKE by DHI has set standards for what is possible in water modelling – and now we are doing it again! Release 2012 is here and its numerous new features provide many new possibilities that will facilitate your work even more.
The demands for highly advanced and innovative modelling tools are continuously increasing and DHI strives to be on the forefront of these future demands and deliver products and services that match your specific modelling needs. Now, with Release 2012, software modelling has become even more efficient including improved usability and flexibility. With the improvements of Release 2012 it is once again emphasised why MIKE by DHI is the ideal and preferred software package for your business within water environments.
MIKE by DHI covers the entire water environments cycle in a highly integrated manner and with more features than ever before. Whether you are working within marine, ports and coasts, water resource management, rivers, flooding, urban, groundwater or wastewater, MIKE by DHI 2012 is tailored for your modelling needs. With a new release approximately every year, our software is exposed to real-world testing and continuous quality enhancements by experts.
With MIKE URBAN you have:
GIS-based model building and management.
Powerful hydraulic simulation engines.
Integrated water quality, fire flow, real time control and water hammer simulation (water distribution).
Integrated water quality, sediment transport, real-time control, dynamic pipe design and long-term statistics (collection systems).
Full undo and redo capability in all editors.
Thematic mapping and integrated dynamic result visualisation.
Open data models - easy integration with other applications.
This release is the first Bentley branded and licensed version of the former FormSys product Multiframe.
Fast and accurate structural analysis is the foundation of all computer aided structural design. Multiframe helps you get the results you need by providing powerful, yet easy to use analysis and design capabilities. Multiframe's analysis and design tools give you an exceptionally powerful and flexible means of creating, analyzing and examining results for your structures. Multiframe Automation using VBA is a feature unique among structural analysis programs. Using Automation, you can prepare calculations and drawings in Excel, Word or AutoCAD and dynamically access any and all of the design data you need directly from the Multiframe model. In Word, you can prepare a design template document and have it filled out automatically by data from Multiframe. In AutoCAD, you can automatically generate a drawing from a Multiframe model, or alternatively, generate a Multiframe model dynamically, directly from an AutoCAD drawing. Multiframe is available in two versions to provide solutions matched to the varied tasks that you perform: Multiframe - 3D structural analysis and design; Multiframe Advanced - 3D structural dynamic analysis and design.
Автор: Williams Дата: 3 мая 2014
Просмотров: 8 464
Arqcom CAD-Earth v4.0.2 for AutoCAD 2013-2015
CAD-Earth is designed to easily import/export images, objects and terrain meshes between Google Earth and major CAD programs and create dynamic contour lines and profiles.
Import Google Earth image to CAD.
Export CAD screenshot to Google Earth.
Insert georeferenced images.
Import Google Earth objects to CAD.
Export CAD objects to Google Earth.
Import Google Earth terrain.
More than 3000 supported coordinate systems worldwide.
Cross section from mesh.
Profile from mesh.
CAD-Earth for other AutoCAD versions can be downloaded fromhere.
Выпущена новая версия Bricscad – системы автоматического проектирования, которая позиционируется как более доступная альтернатива AutoCAD. В программе реализована полная поддержка формата DWG и библиотек Dwgdirect, возможность экспорта в PDF, есть возможности работы со слоями. Среди других возможностей программы можно выделить удобный проводник с возможностью просмотра файлов в разных координатных системах, с разных углов зрения и послойно; окно настроек, в котором можно просматривать все системные переменные и параметры; использование ассоциативной штриховки.
В тринадцатой версии добавлена возможность моделирования сложных проектов (Assembly Modeling), появился ряд новых команд, функций, окон диалога. Среди них автозаполнение для командной строки, поддержка нескольких строк, фоновая печать. Также теперь можно организовывать файлы .dwg в иерархические структуры механических компонентов. Кроме этого, можно отметить появление модуля Powerdimensions для установки размеров на чертежах и улучшение производительности.
SR31030, SR33256, SR33307, SR38347, SR38446, SR39256 - CUIX: BricsCAD now supports CUIX files (they will be converted to CUI on-the-fly).
When a cuix file contains bitmaps, they are copied into a .resz resource file.
Customize now supports .resz files: an alternative to resource DLL (zip file containing tool bitmaps; works on all platforms).
GENERATED DRAWING VIEWS: the BMGENDRAFT and BMGENSECTION commands have been thoroughly reworked and renamed:
VIEWBASE command was added, equivalent to BMGENDRAFT
VIEWSECTION command was added, equivalent to BMGENSECTION
The BMGEN... commands will be retired in V15.
PROJECTIONTYPE: setting to control the projection type used when generating drawing views. First Angle projection (Europe) = 0, Third Angle projection ( U.S., Canada, Australia) = 1. This setting is stored in the drawing.
SR42797: generated drawing views no longer consist of 3d solids to which a special visual style is applied. Instead they now are based on 2d entities, which are the result of a hidden line removal calculation. Visible and occluded entities are on different layers to provide easy control over their display properties.
a preview image with wireframe representation of the model is now shown when positioning the view.
Hidden line removal calculation is deferred to start after all view locations have been selected.
During a view update, the position of the view content is no longer changed, e.g. if the viewport size was changed to accomodate newly added solids.
SR42796: the generated viewports are placed on a separate dedicated layer, thus providing control over display and selection properties.
VIEWUPDATEAUTO: system variable which controls whether generated drawing views are updated automatically when the source model changes. When VIEWUPDATEAUTO is Off, views that need updating are marked with a red bounding rectangle.
VIEWUPDATE: command to update a selection of drawing views.
SR42838 - VIEWEXPORT: new command that introduces similar functionality as the former QuickDraw. This command allows exporting the content of drafting views obtained by BMGENDRAFT, to the Model Space of the drawing.
OVERKILL: command to remove duplicate entities, overlapping lines, circular arcs and polylines (lw, 2d, 3d), and also to combine partially overlapping or contiguous entities. Dialog- and commandline versions are available.
PARAMETERCOPYMODE: system variable to control copying of constraints and related parameters when entities are copied.
PREVIEWTOPDOWN toggle: when Shift + Ctrl keys are pressed simultaneously and not held down longer than 500 milliseconds, they toggle the PREVIEWTOPDOWN setting. In other words: selectionpreview highlight priority will be toggled between selecting individual faces of 3D solids first or selecting the entire 3d-solids first.
PUBLISH: added the possibility to use PDF export when publishing. Plot style and Page Setup settings are applied. Using the "Multi-Sheet File" option allows to create a single pdf file containing multiple layouts.
It is now possible to associate a bending table with a Sheet Metal model.
.csv files containing bending tables can be specified using the corresponding field in the Mechanical Browser.
bend deduction values from the table are used to exactly calculate unfolding matching the used manufacturing tools.
the 'V' die width can be additionally specified for a particular Bend feature using the Mechanical Browser. The width is used as a key while looking for bend deduction values in the table.
the radius can now be controlled parametrically for a particular Bend feature using the Mechanical Browser.
SMFLANGECONNECT: sheet metal command for closing gaps between two arbitrarily oriented flanges.
SNAP TRACK: snap tracking now creates one more tracking line, connecting LASTPOINT and an acquired osnap point.
SNAP TRACK LOCK: to lock a snap track path it suffices to press the Shift key once, it is no longer required to keep it down. To unlock a track path, press Shift again: it works as a toggle.
SR39413 - HATCH PATTERN SNAP: added support for snapping to hatch pattern geometry, controlled by new OSOPTIONS setting:
OSOPTIONS = 0: Object snapping is enabled for hatch entities, and geometry with negative Z values when using a dynamic UCS.
OSOPTIONS = 1: Object snapping is disabled for hatch entities.
OSOPTIONS = 2: Object snapping is disabled for geometry with negative Z values when using a dynamic UCS.
OSOPTIONS = 3: Object snapping is disabled for hatch entities, and geometry with negative Z values when using a dynamic UCS.
The default value of OSOPTIONS is 3.