Автор: Williams Дата: 21 мая 2014
Просмотров: 1 334
Quux Sincpac C3D 2015 v3.6.5210.33823 x64
forAutodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014-2015
The Sincpac C3D for AutoCAD Civil 3D was designed and created by actual users of Civil 3D - people attempting to use Civil 3D "in the trenches". As such, it addresses many of the real-world weaknesses of Civil 3D, and adds more than 150 new commands and features to Civil 3D2008 and above. All utilities are entirely designed inside of Civil 3D, extending and enhancing the built-in Civil 3D functionality, and using default Civil 3D entities. The Sincpac C3D creates no custom entities in your drawings, and your drawings may be shared freely with those who do not have the Sincpac C3D. Since Civil 3D itself is stronger for Engineers than for Surveyors, the Sincpac C3D features many commands that are geared specifically toward Surveyors. But it also contains many features that any user of Civil 3D will find welcome. If you already thought Civil 3D was powerful, just wait until you turbo-charge it with the Sincpac C3D!
While the Sincpac C3D does include the handy PtConnect command for connecting Cogo Points, it is not intended to be a field-to-finish solution. There are enough offerings for that, including the new linework features introduced in Civil 3D 2010, and we assume you have that part of your task covered. Likewise, it is not another file format converter, or piece of traverse adjustment software. Again, those areas are well-covered by other sources. Instead, the Sincpac C3D contains a large number of tools that come in handy for any user of Civil 3D. Many people have said that they have grown to think of the Sincpac C3D as the "Express Tools for Civil 3D", because of the way it enhances so many basic tasks. However, there are many other tools, such as the Dynamic Reporting tools, which can be found nowhere else. The Sincpac C3D features dialog boxes with pop-up help that explain most of what you need to know, so you can start using most Sincpac C3D features without even reading the help file. However, complete help is also included, and most commands also feature context-sensitive help that can be activated by hitting the F1 key on your keyboard. You can review the complete help file on-line to see in detail what commands are available in the Sincpac C3D. Additionally, the revision history of the Sincpac C3D may be found in the change log. Here's a brief synopsis of just a few of the tools available:
Create alignments and profiles in a variety of ways, such as from 3D-Polylines, from Feature Lines, or by selecting Points, among others.
Create Dynamic Links between various Civil 3D elements.
Create Dynamic Station/Offset and Cut/Fill tables.
The so-called Dynamic Reporting tools, which are actually incredibly powerful, multi-function, interactive interfaces that must be experienced to be believed.
Extract linework and points from Civil 3D elements and XREFs.
Style Management: Import or Export Civil 3D Styles between drawings, Search and Replace on Civil 3D Style names, or Compare two drawings to see what Styles exist in each drawing.
A Curve Solver - type in any two parameters for a curve, and solve for the remaining parameters.
The incredibly-handy Entity Tracker, which reports a lot of useful information about items under the cursor.
Stretch and Move Profiles.
Check parcels for gaps and mark perpendicular and radial intersections.
Create parcel offsets with different front, back, and side offset distances, for lot setbacks and easements.
Export Cogo Points to a KML file, which can be loaded into Google Earth.
Select Points by Point Group, ID which Point Groups a Point belongs to, and add and remove Points to and from Point Groups by right-clicking.
Enable automatic update of Civil 3D Point Groups.
A Point Group Browser allows for fast adjustments to styles and override settings, and displays an editable list of points that are currently in the selected Point Group.
A point-creation command that can add points to point groups by number as they are created, using elevations from 3D linework, and more.
Numerous routines for datum-adjusting Points.
Move and Scale Cogo Points without changing their elevations, regardless of your OSNAPZ settings.
Find and Replace text in Parcels and Points, with an option to use regular expressions.
A Drawing Log feature, which logs drawing open and close times, along with total edit time for each drawing.
Автор: Williams Дата: 20 мая 2014
Просмотров: 1 595
PROKON v2.6.25 withSPfrom16/05/2014
PROKON Structural Analysis and Design (Структурный анализ и дизайн) разработан командой профессиональных инженеров и предназначен для использования структурными инженерами и техниками. PROKON представляет собой набор нескольких десятков структурных анализов проектирования. Пакет имеет модульную природу, но его истинная сила заключается в тесной интеграции анализа и проектирования.
Автор: Williams Дата: 19 мая 2014
Просмотров: 2 402
LUSAS Finite Element Analysis Suite (Academic) v15.0.1x86+x64
LUSAS develops, markets and supports a range of engineering analysis software products all based upon the LUSAS finite element analysis system.
LUSAS software products can solve all types of linear and nonlinear stress, dynamics, composite and thermal engineering analysis problem. All software products are available in LT, Standard or Plus versions.
Analysis capabilities for particular LUSAS software products can be extended by using Nonlinear, Dynamic, Thermal/Field, Fast Solvers and other software options.
Автор: Williams Дата: 18 мая 2014
Просмотров: 2 207
StruCalc v9.0.1
StruCalc is an easy to use structural analysis software tool that aids in the analysis and design of beams, columns and footings using wood, steel and manufactured lumber.
Автор: Williams Дата: 17 мая 2014
Просмотров: 1 243
Zeataline Projects PipeData-PRO v9.0.13
PipeData-PRO является простой в использовании компьютерной программой, предоставляющей доступ к обширной базе данных труб, трубопроводов, фланцев, клапанов и прочих проектных данных.
Автор: Williams Дата: 16 мая 2014
Просмотров: 2 899
MicroSurvey STAR*NET v8.0.2.630
MicroSurvey STAR*NET is an easy-to-use Windows application that adjusts 2D/3D survey networks using rigorous Least Squares techniques. MicroSurvey STAR*NET handles networks containing conventional observations combined with GPS vectors, with up to 10,000 adjustable stations. Differential leveling observations can also be included within a 3D adjustment. Whether a survey consists of a single-loop traverse or a complex network of interconnecting traverses, all observations are adjusted simultaneously to produce a single best-fit solution. MicroSurvey STAR*NET can reduce observations to NAD27, NAD83 or UTM with separate grid factors calculated for all distances and t-T corrections calculated for all angles.
Автор: Williams Дата: 15 мая 2014
Просмотров: 1 075
Avenir LoopCAD MJ8 Edition 2014 v5.0.03
LoopCAD is the premiere software for the fast creation of professional quality circuit layout drawings for radiant heating systems. The all-new LoopCAD 2014 offers advanced design features including integrated heating and cooling load calculations, detailed hydronic calculations, snowmelt design, 3DCAD views, and compatibility with OEM design methods and materials. And now the MJ8 Edition provides ACCA-Approved Manual J (8th Edition) calculations for residential heating and cooling loads. LoopCAD is the easiest, most powerful radiant heating design tool available.
LoopCAD is available in three different editions to better match your needs. The available OEM Add-ons work seamlessly with all editions of LoopCAD. For a list of functionality and new features in each edition.
Standard Edition:
Floorplan drawing and importing (PDF, AutoCAD, JPG).
Automated circuit (loop) generation.
Freehand circuit (loop) drawing.
Hydronic calculations based on manual input of heat loads (no automated heat loss calculations).
3D drawing views.
OEM Add‐ons for detailed materials lists/quotations.
Professional Edition - all features in Standard Edition, plus:
Automated heat loss calculations as you draw.
ASHRAE and CSA residential heat loss calculations.
MJ8 Edition - all features in Professional Edition, plus:
MOSES is a software system for hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analysis of all types of offshore platforms and vessels. It is widely used for simulating and analyzing transportation and installation of offshore structures as well as performing design and in-place calculations on floating offshore systems.
Автор: Williams Дата: 13 мая 2014
Просмотров: 8 911
Arqcom CAD-Earth v4.0.3 for AutoCAD 2010-2015
CAD-Earth is designed to easily import/export images, objects and terrain meshes between Google Earth and major CAD programs and create dynamic contour lines and profiles.
Import Google Earth image to CAD.
Export CAD screenshot to Google Earth.
Insert georeferenced images.
Import Google Earth objects to CAD.
Export CAD objects to Google Earth.
Import Google Earth terrain.
More than 3000 supported coordinate systems worldwide.
Cross section from mesh.
Profile from mesh.
CAD-Earth for other AutoCAD versions can be downloaded fromhere.
Автор: Williams Дата: 12 мая 2014
Просмотров: 1 281
GeoStru EasyHVSR v2014.16.2.155
Easy HVSR allows the analysis of the spectral ratio of microtremors recorded with a single-station. The simplicity of use and speed of execution of the calculations allow the user to get immediate results in the estimation of: resonance frequency, stratigraphic profile and equivalent shear wave velocity Vs30, all according to the guidelines suggested by the SESAME project. The software imports SEG2, SAF and ASCII files.