Автор: Williams
Дата: 2 мая 2014
Просмотров: 563 |
Bricsys Bricscad Platinum v14.2.11.34184
Brazil, English, Italian, Russian x86+x64
Выпущена новая версия Bricscad – системы автоматического проектирования, которая позиционируется как более доступная альтернатива AutoCAD. В программе реализована полная поддержка формата DWG и библиотек Dwgdirect, возможность экспорта в PDF, есть возможности работы со слоями. Среди других возможностей программы можно выделить удобный проводник с возможностью просмотра файлов в разных координатных системах, с разных углов зрения и послойно; окно настроек, в котором можно просматривать все системные переменные и параметры; использование ассоциативной штриховки.
В тринадцатой версии добавлена возможность моделирования сложных проектов (Assembly Modeling), появился ряд новых команд, функций, окон диалога. Среди них автозаполнение для командной строки, поддержка нескольких строк, фоновая печать. Также теперь можно организовывать файлы .dwg в иерархические структуры механических компонентов. Кроме этого, можно отметить появление модуля Powerdimensions для установки размеров на чертежах и улучшение производительности.
Новое в версии 14:SR31030, SR33256, SR33307, SR38347, SR38446, SR39256 - CUIX: BricsCAD now supports CUIX files (they will be converted to CUI on-the-fly).
When a cuix file contains bitmaps, they are copied into a .resz resource file.
Customize now supports .resz files: an alternative to resource DLL (zip file containing tool bitmaps; works on all platforms).
GENERATED DRAWING VIEWS: the BMGENDRAFT and BMGENSECTION commands have been thoroughly reworked and renamed:
VIEWBASE command was added, equivalent to BMGENDRAFT
VIEWSECTION command was added, equivalent to BMGENSECTION
The BMGEN... commands will be retired in V15.
PROJECTIONTYPE: setting to control the projection type used when generating drawing views. First Angle projection (Europe) = 0, Third Angle projection ( U.S., Canada, Australia) = 1. This setting is stored in the drawing.
SR42797: generated drawing views no longer consist of 3d solids to which a special visual style is applied. Instead they now are based on 2d entities, which are the result of a hidden line removal calculation. Visible and occluded entities are on different layers to provide easy control over their display properties.
a preview image with wireframe representation of the model is now shown when positioning the view.
Hidden line removal calculation is deferred to start after all view locations have been selected.
During a view update, the position of the view content is no longer changed, e.g. if the viewport size was changed to accomodate newly added solids.
SR42796: the generated viewports are placed on a separate dedicated layer, thus providing control over display and selection properties.
VIEWUPDATEAUTO: system variable which controls whether generated drawing views are updated automatically when the source model changes. When VIEWUPDATEAUTO is Off, views that need updating are marked with a red bounding rectangle.
VIEWUPDATE: command to update a selection of drawing views.
SR42838 - VIEWEXPORT: new command that introduces similar functionality as the former QuickDraw. This command allows exporting the content of drafting views obtained by BMGENDRAFT, to the Model Space of the drawing.
OVERKILL: command to remove duplicate entities, overlapping lines, circular arcs and polylines (lw, 2d, 3d), and also to combine partially overlapping or contiguous entities. Dialog- and commandline versions are available.
PARAMETERCOPYMODE: system variable to control copying of constraints and related parameters when entities are copied.
PREVIEWTOPDOWN toggle: when Shift + Ctrl keys are pressed simultaneously and not held down longer than 500 milliseconds, they toggle the PREVIEWTOPDOWN setting. In other words: selectionpreview highlight priority will be toggled between selecting individual faces of 3D solids first or selecting the entire 3d-solids first.
PUBLISH: added the possibility to use PDF export when publishing. Plot style and Page Setup settings are applied. Using the "Multi-Sheet File" option allows to create a single pdf file containing multiple layouts.
It is now possible to associate a bending table with a Sheet Metal model.
.csv files containing bending tables can be specified using the corresponding field in the Mechanical Browser.
bend deduction values from the table are used to exactly calculate unfolding matching the used manufacturing tools.
the 'V' die width can be additionally specified for a particular Bend feature using the Mechanical Browser. The width is used as a key while looking for bend deduction values in the table.
the radius can now be controlled parametrically for a particular Bend feature using the Mechanical Browser.
SMFLANGECONNECT: sheet metal command for closing gaps between two arbitrarily oriented flanges.
SNAP TRACK: snap tracking now creates one more tracking line, connecting LASTPOINT and an acquired osnap point.
SNAP TRACK LOCK: to lock a snap track path it suffices to press the Shift key once, it is no longer required to keep it down. To unlock a track path, press Shift again: it works as a toggle.
SR39413 - HATCH PATTERN SNAP: added support for snapping to hatch pattern geometry, controlled by new OSOPTIONS setting:
OSOPTIONS = 0: Object snapping is enabled for hatch entities, and geometry with negative Z values when using a dynamic UCS.
OSOPTIONS = 1: Object snapping is disabled for hatch entities.
OSOPTIONS = 2: Object snapping is disabled for geometry with negative Z values when using a dynamic UCS.
OSOPTIONS = 3: Object snapping is disabled for hatch entities, and geometry with negative Z values when using a dynamic UCS.
The default value of OSOPTIONS is 3.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 2 мая 2014
Просмотров: 9 029 |
AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Essentials: Autodesk Official Press
(including sample files)
Wiley, 2014
pdf, 416 pages, english
ISBN 978-1-118-87124-9

AutoCAD 2015 Essentials contains 400 pages of full-color, comprehensive instruction on the world's top drafting and architecture software. This 2015 edition features architectural, manufacturing, and landscape architecture examples. And like previous editions, the detailed guide introduces core concepts using interactive tutorials and open-ended projects, which can be completed in any order, thanks to downloadable data sets (an especially useful feature for students and professionals studying for Autodesk AutoCAD certification).
Unlike many other guides, which are organized around conceptual themes or task categories, AutoCAD 2015 Essentials takes a start-to-finish approach that mirrors how you will work with the program in the real world. Starting with basic 2D drawing and progressing through organizing objects with groups and blocks, creating and editing text, and 3D modeling, the process you'll learn in this book is ready to take to work. Inside, each chapter follows an intuitive structure:
- Quick discussions of concepts and learning goals.
- Hands-on drafting tutorials for active learning and confidence building.
- Open-ended projects to reinforce new drafting skills.
- Downloadable end files, so you can check your work.
AutoCAD 2015 Essentials is great for professionals and students who need to quickly and effectively learn the most common features of 2D and 3D design. With over 12 years of experience teaching and writing about this formidable design program, Scott Onstott provides you with everything you'll need to leverage the full capabilities of AutoCAD. |
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