Автор: Williams Дата: 20 декабря 2013
Просмотров: 8 441
From our forum:
ordinary question
I think Engineers shall be careful, how come lots of posts in this board complain about having trouble with RAR files?
brilliant answer
The answer to this question, my friend, is that many Engineers have generally become so LAZY that they want to be spoon-fed; They have lost the inquisitive nature and the desire to find out for themselves why things are and how things work; If they have bother to find out and read the relevant postings, they would not have any issues.
Finally someone that's got the point! BRAVO!!!
Do you know, what are they talking about? They are talking about damaged archives, downloaded from lavteam ftp.
In every topic we are mentioning about WinRAR v5 - (RAR5, incl. 3% - info for restoration purpose)
Hundreds and hundreds answers in topics ...
People, I understand that you are not readers but writers. But at least read a few posts/pages up!!!
Автор: Williams Дата: 20 декабря 2013
Просмотров: 1 958
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