Автор: Williams Дата: 28 октября 2013
Просмотров: 1 550
GeoStru LoadCap v2014.21.1.702
LoadCap id design for the computation of limit load in loose soils or rock, according Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Hansen, Vesic, Brinch-Hansen, Richards etc. Al, the computation of bearing capacity factors (according to the instructions for the geotechnical design in seismic areas - Italian Association of Geotechnical Engineering).
Settlements: Elastic (Timoshenko and Goodier), Oedometric, Schmertmann, Burland & Burbidge, liquefaction usig the method of Seed and Idris (1971). The settlements can be calculated at any point either inside or outside the foundation. Limit load in seismic conditions: SHIKHIEV & JAKOVLEV, RICHARDS, NTC 2008 Circolare applicativa.
Diagrams: Limit load as a function of the foundation base, of the depth of the bearing surface, of the acting loads. Unlimited number of layers. Display of pressure bulbs and failure wedges.
Supported computation standards: Eurocode 7/8, British Codes BS8004, Norme tecniche costruzioni (NTC 2008), NTC - Circolare 2 Febbraio 2009, n. 617, C.S.L.LPP.
Автор: Williams Дата: 28 октября 2013
Просмотров: 1 383
GeoStru Stratigrapher v2014.20.0.254
Stratigrapher enables the construction of stratigraphic columns for geologic or geotechnical usage and further the documentation of well construction. User form design is enabled through the provision of a document template editor. The resultant documentation model(s) can be stored for reuse. Thereafter the selection of documentation format is by the selection of templates. On the document, adjacent columns, user selected by choice of template, present the lithologic, lithotypes and exploration characteristic recorded during trial borings or well construction characteristics. Bitmap patterns are inserted directly from supplied libraries whose background and texture images may be user updated and personalized. The program permits simple modification of the elevation level of lithologic properties and the insertion of the standard trial results obtained during borings (Packet, Vane, sampling and Phreatic water table etc.) The document so produced may be saved as well as printed directly and the saved copy may be used permits their export and insertion in the profiles of other GeoStru programs.