Hydromantis is committed to the continued growth of CapdetWorks, incorporating the latest developments in wastewater process technology and model development.
Accurate and rapid preliminary design and cost estimating for wastewater treatment plant construction projects are a worldwide priority. CapdetWorks is a preliminary design and costing program that eliminates the need for spreadsheet-based design algorithms that can be relatively inflexible and are often time-consuming to maintain.
The activated sludge design algorithms in CapdetWorks are based on the concepts of solids retention time and influent fractionation, and are consistent with published activated sludge dynamic models such as ASM1 and the algorithms published in Metcalf and Eddy (Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, 4th Edition), the Water Research Commission (Theory, Design and Operation of Biological Nutrient Removal Activated Sludge, 1984), and Wentzelet al. (Biological excess phosphorus removal – steady state process design, 1990).
CapdetWorks uses a unit costing approach with an extensive costing database that accounts for the effects of inflation using cost indices. Our unit costs are carefully researched based on discussions with manufacturers, suppliers, and consultants.
Choose CapdetWorks for all of your projects involving the preliminary design and costing of wastewater treatment systems!