Автор: Williams
Дата: 4 августа 2012
Просмотров: 1 758
Ensoft Shaft v2012.7.3 x86
SHAFT is a computer program used to evaluate the axial capacity and the short-term, load-settlement curves of drilled shafts or bored piles in various types of soils. In general, the majority of axial capacity methods used by SHAFT are based on the latest FHWA manual. In addition, several extra axial capacity methods are provided for clay shales, gravels, and gravelly sands.
The analytical methods employed by SHAFT are based on experimental data obtained from hundreds of well-instrumented axial load tests of full-sized drilled shafts. Newer criteria for soil response of gravel and weak rock were modeled after papers of recent publication.
SHAFT can analyze the axial capacity and settlement behavior of drilled-shafts in eight types of soil and rock models. SHAFT can accommodate any combination of soil and rock layers in a layered profile. The soils and rock models in SHAFT are the following:
clay - cohesive geomaterial (FHWA),
sand - cohesionless geomaterial (FHWA),
clay - shale (Reese & Aurora),
strong rock - using either side resistance or end bearing (FHWA),
strong rock - using both side resistance plus end bearing (for comparison),
decomposed rock/gravel (FHWA),
weak rock - cohesive intermediate geomaterial (FHWA),
gravel - cohesionless intermediate geomaterial (Rollins et al),