Автор: Williams Дата: 4 января 2011
Просмотров: 1 032
Guthrie Arcv2CAD v5.0 A.70
Arcv2CAD - конвертор ESRI шейп-файлов (ArcView, ArcGIS, ArcMap) в формат AutoCAD DXF и DWG. Это позволяет шейп-файлам быть прочитанными практически в любых CAD-системах и ГИС.
Apply Colors corresponding to selected Feature Attributes. Output entities onto Layers corresponding to Feature Attributes. Color fill Polygons - correctly handles holes. Produce Text Labels from Features data. Powerful built in Auto-Label function. Transfer table data via DXF/DWG ATTRIB or Extended Data (XData) definitions. Output Elevation data as real 3D Z coordinates. Command line mode for batch operation. Standalone converter, does not require ArcView, ArcGIS, ArcMap, etc. Output of a Legend Translate to all of AutoCAD DXF and DWG versions up to the latest 2009. New Support for all 3D shapefile types (PointZ, PolylineZ, PolyGonZ, MultiPatch, etc) Support for Swegis TIN shapefiles Properties control for attributes (ATTRIBs), i.e. size, position, color, etc. Named Marker Blocks more... Extrude 2D Polygon shapes to 3D Objects. Picture Online context sensitive help Fully handles the latest 3D shapefiles. Compatible with all ArcGIS / ArcMap/ ArcView / ... products (all versions.)