Автор: Williams
Дата: 3 ноября 2009
Просмотров: 838
Bentley I/RAS B XM Edition v8i
Bentley I/RAS B V8 XM Edition is now sporting a new GUI with full 24-bit color icons and takes full advantage of MicroStation’s new display engine. This means drawings can be manipulated in either the I/RAS B workspace or in a MicroStation workspace. Drawings in I/RAS B can coexist and be displayed with other types of rasters displayed by MicroStation Raster Manager. Color aerial photos or a PDF descriptive document can also be displayed as the legacy cadastre map is being warped or edited. In addition, I/RAS B users will be pleased to find full support for MicroStation models in the latest release. This means Bentley I/RAS B tools can be used on rasters in any models, not just the default one. Additionally, a new Raster Items tool box has been added to I/RAS B supporting new capabilities including move, copy, and delete of raster objects such as text characters, strings, or text blocks.
Workflows - Map, record, or document conversion - Restoration of legacy drawings - Revision and maintenance of raster drawings - Raster, vector, or hybrid raster/vector
User Friendly Work Environment - Integrated, user-friendly tool set at your command, built entirely upon MicroStation - Full support for MicroStation models - Fully compliant with MicroStation V8 XM Edition’s new display engine - ProjectWise compliant - Fully integrated with Bentley PowerDraft - User friendly interface with new 24-bit color icons
Image Manipulation - Zoom - Pan - Rotate - Crop - Scale - Warp - Invert - Multi-layer - Move, Copy and Delete raster objects such as text characters, strings or text blocks - Processes binary files as compressed data in memory to speed open, edit, and warping operations - See binary data at any zoom level, letting you work productively down to the pixel level
Image Cleanup and Conversion - Raster editing tools - Raster Snapping - Smoothing - Speckle removal - Merge - Optical Character Recognition (OCR) - OCR queued text replacement - Symbol Recognition, Automatically convert raster symbols to vector cells
Industry-standard Format Support - RLE (run-length encoded) - CIT (CCITT group 4) - TG4 (tiled group 4) - CRL (color run length) - T29 (tagged-image file) - MPF (multi-page file) - RST (raster save set)
Import/Export Format Support - LRD (ANAtech run-length encoded) - TIFF (tag image file format) - GeoTIFF (1-bit) - Aldus/Microsoft encoding format - Class B - 1 bit uncompressed - Class B - CCITT group 3/appendix B - Class B - CCITT group 4 fax - Class B - CCITT group 3 fax - Class B - PackBits - CALS Type 1 (MIL-R-28002A) - Image Systems Technology RLC (CAD Overlay ESP) - Bentley HMR (1-bit) - Bentley iTIFF (1-bit)
Print or Plot to any Industry-standard Device - Support for printing and plotting to Windows compatible printers and plotters - Enhanced capabilities for creation, storage, and distribution along with additional plotters available via ProjectWise Plot Server - Use multiple raster layers and create presentation-quality results suitable for printing/plotting