Jewellery CAD/CAM Ltd. JewelCAD v5.10 Update 13
Дождались! Ювелирный CAD/CAM продукт появился в нашей коллекции. Впечатляющий набор инструментов позволяет вам создавать шедевры художественного и стилистического дизайна. Элементарных знаний компьютера будут достаточны, чтобы освоить данное ПО уже через несколько дней.
Design Geometries
- B-Spline curve : smooth curve defined by a few control vertices (CV's)
- symmetric curve, curve with linear and circular repetitive patterns can be created interactively in JewelCAD
- curves by sketching and transformation by values in move, size, scale and rotate
- curve primitives: line, circle, polygon and helix
- curves operation: close, open, reverse, divide, split, join, offset, in between, curve length
- B-Spline surface : smooth surface defined by an array of control vertices (CV's)
- created by Extend, Revolve, Loft, Pipe and Rail functions
- transformation by values in move, size, scale and rotate
- surface primitives: cone, sphere, cylinder
- surface operations: close, open, reverse, divide, step size, swap UV, flip normal and offset.
- Built in jewels of round, oval, marquise, pear, heart, square, rectangular, octagon, triangle and taper shapes
- Jewel nature assigned by users
- 3D object created by extending 2D planar curves
- can have islands and holes
- can have sharp, filleted or chamfered edges
- all true type fonts of Windows system can be made use for generating 3D text
Boolean Operations
- surfaces, blocks and jewels can be combined together by union, intersect and subtract Boolean operations
- Supersubstractor for automatic substraction of all objects except jewels mainly to facilitate hole drilling for setting.
Transformation and Deformation
- Move, Size, Flip and Roll operations with respect to world origin and object axis
- Interactive deformation operations include: Bend, Two side bend, Taper, Two side taper, Scaled taper, Two side scaled taper, Skew, Two side skew, Twist, Sk-twist and Whirl
- Transformation through values for Move, Size, Scale and Rotate
- User define for non-deformable objects
- Parametric mapping onto curves and surfaces
- Projection mapping onto curves and surfaces
Transforming and Deforming individual CV's
- Individual CV's of curves and surfaces can be picked for transformation and deformation operations
Built-In Database
- library for parts, rings and settings; settings include shape in heart, marquise, oval, pear, square, taper and round
- user extendable database
Realistic rendering
- design rendered in true color picture to look real
Rendering material
- Material libraries for metal and general colors
- User define materials with control in colors (ambient, diffuse, specular), texture, bump mapping, reflection mapping and shiny mapping, shinyness and transparency
Rapid prototyping
- designs created with JewelCAD are ready for rapid prototyping
- no tedious pre-processing (such as surface trimming) required
- JewelCAD automatically cuts designs into slices of contours
- slices of contours are output in 3D systems SLC format
- STL format in Ascii or Binary from the conversion of SLC data
CNC machining
- JewelCAD can also generate Fanuc GM codes for Computer Numeric Control machining
- Generate also NC codes for Roland MDX-15/20 machine.