With this solution you can increase your efficiency in design of beam structures by 5-10 times. It is distributed by our partner PTC as Expert Framework Extension EFX and by our partners INNEO, TECHSOFT and Rand Schweiz as B&W Profilsystem. The solution offers fast and easy to use functions for assembling profiles, connection and equipment elements. The system knows about the logic of profile joints and connection elements and has user interfaces which are especially tailored for the design with beams. By this the design of frames buildt with profiles is extremely simplified and speed up. The following functions increse efficiency in design of beam structures: - Fast and easy assembly of beams on a curve skeleton or between points. - Simple definition of intelligent profile joints (corner joint, mitre joint, T-joint etc.). - Rotationg, moving and replacing of beams without regeneration problems. - Efficient work in simplified representations. - Fast and easy assembly of connection and equipment elements for steel construction or aluminium-profile-systems including all neccessary holes and features. - Extensive library of profiles, connection and equipment elements for steel construction or aluminium-profile-systems. - Possibility of defining custom profiles, connection and equipment elements in the library. - Automatic creation of BOM information.
This solution supports the efficient design of injection mold tools and is and ideal addition to Pro/MOLDESIGN. While Pro/MOLDESIGN concentrates on the design of core and cavity EMX / B&W Spritzguss takes care for a extremely efficient design of the entire moldbase including typical functional units like ejector pins, screw connections, cooling etc. By this the design time for mold tools can be reduced dramatically. The solution is distributed by our partner PTC as Expert Moldbase Extension EMX and by our partners INNEO, TECHSOFT und Rand Schweiz as B&W Spritzguss.
EMX / B&W Spritzguss offers the following functionality: - Definition and modification of the entire moldbase in a graphic 2D user interface. - Efficient creation of screw and dowel pin connections. - Definition and assembly of ejector pins as complet functional unit. - Placement of cooling bores with nipples and seal plugs in one step. - Modeling of complete slider units inclusive screw connections. - Graphically supported configuration and placement of latch locks. - Realistc simulation of mold opening. - Holechart functionality of B&W Holechart. - Library functionality for managing and assmebling custom standard components. - Library with hotrunners. - Predefined drawings and BOMs.
Автор: Williams Дата: 26 февраля 2009
Просмотров: 782
PTC Pro/Engineer Wildfire B&W Progressive Die Extension v5.0
This solution supports the efficient design of progressive die tools from strip layout to tool layout, assembling of standard library components up to creation of drawings and BOMs. It is distributed by our partner PTC as Progressive Die Extension PDX and by our partners INNEO, TECHSOFT and Rand Switzerland as B&W Folgeverbund.
PDX / B&W Folgeverbund offers the following functionality: - Definition and modification of strip layout in a 2D graphic user interface. - Definition and modification of toolbase in a 2D graphic user interface. - Efficient creation of screw and dowel pin connections. - Definition and placement of cut stamps as complete functional unit inclusive neccessary cuts. - Definition and placement of bend and forming stamps as complete functional unit inclusive neccessary cuts. - Definition and placement of guiding elements as complete functional unit inclusive neccessary cuts. - Definition and placement of other standard components as complete functional unit inclusive neccessary cuts. - Predefined drawings and BOMs. - Holechart functiality of B&W Holechart.