Автор: Akul
Дата: 25 января 2008
Просмотров: 3 761
Water hammer and transient analysis software
Bentley's Haestad Methods product line has been selected as the #1 water resources modeling software in a national survey. Commissioned by Bentley, the survey was conducted across the readership of CE News’ Civil Connection, a leading civil engineering newsletter published by ZweigWhite
A completely revised and easy-to-use stand-alone interface that looks and feels like every other product in the Haestad Methods product line, will make existing users of products such as WaterCAD, WaterGEMS and StormCAD immediately feel comfortable developing transient analysis models in the new HAMMER.
HAMMER V8 XM uses the Method of Characteristics – the benchmark standard and unquestionably the most rigorous and robust algorithm for hydraulic transient flow analysis with over 20 years of proven real-world implementation. HAMMER’s all-new interface further simplifies the complex science of water hammer and transient analysis by implementing all the productivity and interoperability features that make Haestad Methods products the easiest to use in the industry.