Автор: Akul
Дата: 15 января 2008
Просмотров: 5 151
Bentley RAM Structural System – The industry’s most productive tool specifically tailored for building designers. The RAM Structural System includes RAM Steel, RAM Concrete, RAM Frame, and RAM Foundation. This fully integrated suite of building design, analysis and drafting software increases your productivity from conceptual design through construction. It produces complete sets of CAD drawings for frame elevations, beam and column schedules, floor framing and foundation plans. All from one system, all from one database.
The RAM Structural Systemis the only fully integrated engineering software solution with complete building analysis, design and drafting for BOTH steel and concrete structures!
Автор: Akul
Дата: 15 января 2008
Просмотров: 2 426
UGS Tecnomatix™ Plant Simulation software enables the simulation and optimization of production systems and processes. Using Plant Simulation, you can optimize material flow, resource utilization and logistics for all levels of plant planning from global production facilities, through local plants, to specific lines.