AlgoLab Raster to Vector Conversion Toolkit converts architect, mechanical and various technical drawings, maps and other types of line artwork including black and white graphics for books and journals from raster to vector formats. This means that a paper drawing can be scanned, line artwork automatically recognized and represented in a vector format that then can be imported to your CAD or drawing program.
Professionals in Cutting, Engraving, Sign Making and other CAD/CAM systems may want to take a very close look at Toolkit due to its ability to create fine lines and outlines. Toolkit has the unique special feature to refine curves. So with a proper choice of parameters a vectorized drawing composed of curves normally looks better than the original one.
Toolkit is also tailored to digitize drawings including mathematical graphs for further use in MS Excel, Mathematica, Lotus 1-2-3 and other mathematical programs.
Toolkit is designed to provide quality of high-end products. Even those who have one of such high-end products may certainly find that at least for some kind of drawings Toolkit provides better quality of the output vector files. So it is reasonable to have Toolkit available. ==================
Утилитка для быстрого преобразования растровых изображений в векторные. Может применяться как дизайнерами, так и инженерами.
A lite and fast dwg viewer, browse, view, measure, print DWG, DXF, DWF files. Supports AutoCAD drawing format from R2.5 to the latest version 2007.
DWGSee DWG Viewer Pro version supports DWG to Image(jpg, tiff, gif ), dwg to pdf conversion, it aslo supports advanced markup, let you publish markup in PDF or Image format.