Pipe Flow Expert is our premier software application for designing and analyzing complex pipe networks where the flows and pressures must be balanced to solve the system.
Its features include:
An Intuitive User Interface that is
best-in-class & easy to use
A Robust Calculation Engine that will solve complex pipe networks
Pressure Loss calculated using the
Darcy-Weisbach method
Friction Factors calculated using the
Colebrook-White equation
Modelling of up to 1000 pipes in the full version.
A Fluid Database with common liquid and gas data
A Pipe Database with common pipe materials and sizes
A Fittings Database with common valve and fitting data
Darcy-Weisbach method provides accurate results for non-compressible fluids (including most process fluids). It also provides satisfactory results for compressible fluids when the pressure drop through the pipe system is less than 40% of the inlet pressures.
Наблюдая, что данный продукт пользуется популярностью на форуме, публикуем новость:
14 июня 2007 года
состоится Бесплатный семинар
"Эффективное проектирование железобетонных и металлоконструкций"
Семинар приурочен к выходу новой версии
системы Advance и рассчитан на начальников отделов и главных специалистов проектных организаций и предприятий по производству металлоконструкций.
========================================================== Так что юзера, есть возможноть попялится "в живую" на продукт и потискать вопросами... А то варезник вслепую изучать - не всегда удается. Тем более, такой "тяжелый" продукт.
First Look at Autodesk 2008 Products - Individual articles by AUGIWorld's contributing editors provide lessons and tips & tricks for the new releases of Revit Structure, AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architecture, Revit Architecture, and AutoCAD Civil 3D.
Managing the Information Glut - CAD Manager Mark Kiker offers advice on shielding your users from TMI (Too Much Information).
CAD Manager's Caveat: Protect the CUI - Writer Eric Wing tells you how to keep the AutoCAD CUI (Custom User Interface) in top condition and protected from users who are well-meaning but less than cautious.
On the Back Page - David Kingsley takes a look at industry standards through the years.