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Thank You Steve ...

6 октября 2011. Разместил: Williams

Мир потерял великого человека. Человека, которому удалось оставить в истории человечества настолько значительный след. Стив Джобс, сумевший оказать ни с чем не сравнимое влияние на многие поколения вперед, относится к этой редкой категории людей ...

Thank you Steve Jobs for your unwillingness to compromise.

Thank you Steve for seeing the future so clearly, and turning it into technology that improves our lives.

Thank you Steve for assembling an organization that shared that vision, and that is able to bring it to fruition.

Thank you Steve for never settling because your customers didn’t deserve it.

Thank you Steve for driving multiple industries to raise their game to try and keep level.

Thank you Steve for making each of us feel special, and befriending us through your actions.

Thank you Steve for letting us share your vision in our everyday lives.

Thank you Steve for making a hell of a dent in the universe.

Thank you Steve for your ability to tell what really mattered, and pursue it to fruition.

Thank you Steve for being a great man first, and an executive second.

One more thing — thank you Steve for making me strive to be the best I can be, for igniting the passion to do what I do, and showing me by example to never take a short cut when it’s not good enough.

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